Information of The Scapula Acupuncture Needle Moxibustion Osteopath Group
This is an access information page.

Higashi-yamato city Eki-mae Acupuncture Needle Moxibustion Osteopath

Name of facility Higashi-yamato city Eki-mae Acupuncture Needle Moxibustion Osteopath
Street address 〒207-0014
Minami-Machi 5-90-11-1F, Higashi-yamato city, Tokyo
Phone number 042-516-9901
Business hours Weekdays 9: 00 ~ 12: 00/15: 00 ~ 19: 30
Saturday 9: 00 ~ 18: 00
Regular holiday Sundays and public holidays
Parking Lot 2 units
Payment Cash / Credit Card (VISA / MasterCard)

Mori no Kazehari Acupuncture Needle Moxibustion Osteopath

Name of facility Mori no Kazehari Acupuncture Needle Moxibustion Osteopath
Street address 〒207-0014
Minami-Machi 6-38-2-1F, Higashi-Yamato city, Tokyo
Phone number 042-566-6440
Business hours Weekdays 9: 00 ~ 12: 00/15: 00 ~ 19: 30
Saturday 9: 00 ~ 13: 00
Regular holiday Sundays and public holidays
Parking Lot 3 units
Payment Cash / Credit Card (VISA / MasterCard)


Name of facility 平塚駅南口ペンギン鍼灸整骨院
Street address 〒254-0811
神奈川県平塚市八重咲町25−8 1F
Phone number 0463-22-1118
Business hours Weekdays 9: 00 ~ 12: 00/15: 00 ~ 19: 30
Saturday 9: 00 ~ 13: 00
Regular holiday 日曜(祝日変動あり)
Parking Lot あり
Payment Cash / Credit Card (VISA / MasterCard)

出張専門 整体鍼灸四ツ谷Harry

Name of facility 出張専門 整体鍼灸四ツ谷Harry
Street address 〒160-0004
Ouran Buid. 1F, 1-18 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Business hours 15:00~20:00 (最終受付 19:00)
Regular holiday 木曜、土曜~月曜
Payment 現金

